Upskill And Retain Your Workforce For ⅓ The Cost
Education Benefits Are A Smart Move
Recruiting Costs
$1 spent on education benefits
saves $1.29 in recruiting costs
86% of employees consider
ProDev “Very Important.”
Education Benefit
80% of education benefit users
are less likely to quit.
Skills Relevant
93% of education benefit users
learn skills relevant to their job.
Motivated Talent
Education benefits attract
more motivated talent.
Training Expenses
Education benefits reduce tur
nover and training expenses.
Internal upskilling
Education benefits increase internal upskilling and promotable staff.
Increase Workplace
Education benefits increase
workplace diversity.
Offering education benefits pays for itself and grows your company.

Why Wouldn’t You Offer Education Benefits?
Well, maybe because education benefits are expensive.
Most employers spend $5,250 on education benefits per employee per year. But that number adds up quickly. The average adult college student takes over 6 years to graduate.
That’s over $31,500 per graduating employee!

There’s A Better Way To Retain And Upskill Your Workforce
Who We Are
FlexEd Benefits does education differently.
Most of our competitors pawn your employees off on “big box” college admissions teams where your employee is just a number.
Our coaches work one-on-one with your employees to build custom plans that meet your and their goals quickly and inexpensively.
We even handle all the admin. You set the parameters, pay a simple invoice quarterly, and reap the rewards.
And companies are massively overpaying for subpar results.
86% of 30+ year-old college students never graduate!
60% of most college degrees have nothing to do with an employee’s job!
40% high school review
20% random
40% relevant courses
Plus, balancing 40 hour work-aweeks with homework can lead to employee burnout!
Bottomline: Most education benefit offerings have a huge impact, but they cost too much, and they don’t always work
What’s Our Secret Sauce?
FlexEd’s coaches use Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) to help your employees prove what they already know so they can skip spending thousands of your dollars to take classes they don’t need.
Instead of spending $1,200 per 8-week online college course, FlexEd clients earn most of their courses for $60 and in only 3 weeks.
After your employees earn their PLA credits, our coaches help them transfer to a respectable, accredited institution where they can earn the classes most relevant to their jobs.
Bottomline: What other education benefit providers do for over $31,500 of your money, we can do for only $6,000-$15,000 and in under two years.

Company Benefits
What does this mean for your company?
✔ You’ll spend ⅔’s less on education benefits for higher quality.
✔ You’ll upskill employees for new positions 3x as fast.
✔ You’ll retain employees and attract more talent.
✔ You’ll save on recruiting and training.
✔ You’ll empower your employees!
Plus, we’ll help you customize your education benefit offering to hit your strategic goals.
Want to retain more employees? Promote more employees? Build technical skills in more employees?
Whatever your goals, we can help you reach them with a plan made for you. Here are three examples of the types of plans we offer.
Employee Benefits
And the FlexEd difference impacts your employees too.
FlexEd clients
✔ are more likely to graduate.
✔ have more time for work and family.
✔ stay at their companies longer.
✔ have higher GPAs.
✔ are more likely to get a masters.
Imagine being able to tell you employees that college will cost them $0 and will take years less than normal. That’s a benefit that will get anyone excited about working at your company! .
When You Ask For A Call From Us, We’ll Do Three Things
Learn about your strategic personnel goals
Build a plan customized to your needs and budget
Provide you a simple action plan
Sign up for a <30-minute, no-pressure consultation today to find out if FlexEd is what you’re looking for.
It’s time to start retaining, upskilling, and saving!

Concerned About Cost ? No Worries
Our max cost is $750 per employee who uses our services per year. If your employee graduates in three years, and you offer $3,000 in benefits per year, that’s only $11,250 instead of $31,500!